Thursday, June 25, 2009

Smuggler’s Run and Bumpin’ Nuns

Today I had a few priceless vistas (sights). I went to the deportivo to get a membership and lift weights, which I did (the facility is really nice, has a big outdoor pool, tennis and basketball courts, etc.). Then I jogged back to Tule which is a considerable distance by my standards. It was at the peak of the day with the Mexican sun beating down on my head, with air so light and poorly oxygenated at this altitude that I really was a sad sight. I did make it though. Here I let my body temperature drop back into the low hundreds, and made some eggs. After discovering that a bullet shot straight up into the air is not lethal on its descent (thanks MythBusters) I decided to return to the caseta. It was on the bus I met my first irony of the day. Sometimes the visual doesn’t match the audio in my experience, such was this case. I gave the bus the finger (index, used to indicate that you would like a ride), mounted and found a seat behind three nuns. A lady got on a bit later to whom I gave my seat moving back and finding another seat after it was vacated. Here I look forward and see the habits of the nun poking just above the seat, swaying back and forth with the road (keep this in your mind: this is the visual) while there is some heavy bass thumpin’ from some suave latino rapper blasting out of the speakers from the front just a couple of meters in front of the sisters (now apply the audio to the visual (funny right (well I thought so))). Good times. I made it to the caseta in time to see another incredible sight comparable to the Northern Lights. It was apparently recess at the school and the caseta just happens to be right alongside one of the walls of the school, and just around the corner is a barred fence through which hundreds (it seemed like) of little hands were reaching through with pesos, grabbing tortas, bags of chips, drinks, and candies left and right out of Gerardo’s hands as he scrambled back and forth taking orders and delivering food to the hungry little creatures. It was an unbelievable phenomenon that came and passed in twenty minutes. I couldn’t believe it (so I took some pictures to verify its reality). We then took (what seems like) our daily trip to Sam’s to reload the caseta after the little bandits had sucked the joint dry. We took our coffee and called it a night.


  1. Brilliant! completely wonderful! :)

  2. zach you know i know very little about blogging, but is it proper to say Hi to kimberly instead of commenting on what you wrote. or is that rude?
    i love you son, mom
